currency exchange - ntradeX

Adding a Beneficiary in Ntradex

The steps in adding a beneficiary are as follows:

  1. Login to your ntradeX account
  2. Go to the beneficiaries tab icon below
  3. Press the ‘+’ button located in the upper right corner
  4. Select a currency you want to save as a beneficiary
  5. Select the category of the Beneficiary; Self, Third-Party, or Business
  6. Input the details presented which depends on the currency selected
  7. Save Beneficiary


NOTE* – You can also add Beneficiary after tapping on the Transfer button, on the screen that displays Beneficiaries to pay to, you will notice a ‘+’ button on the top-right. That button takes you straight to add beneficiary screen.


Important Notice

It is imperative to ensure the details of the Beneficiaries saved are accurate so as to prevent losses due to typographic errors.

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Adding a Beneficiary in Ntradex

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